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Family Ministry focus is on people in relationships. It is a ministry that provides tools to help individuals communicate more effectively, helps families grow in love and live in harmony as the family of God."


Couples Ministry -  is designed to help strengthen marriages, enrich families, and impact the community for Jesus Christ.  The Ministry hosts off-site retreats to pray together, fellowship, discuss the issues of marriage, relax, and have fun together.


Men Ministry - is tasked with spiritually preparing individuals through Biblical teachings, fellowship and accountability by loving, living, serving, and giving.  This ministry participates in activities that take men beyond the walls of the church; out into the community to serve and have brotherly fun.


Senior Ministry - this ministry has an intentional and holistic approach to older adult persons manages programs and activities for the general welfare as well as the special needs of senior citizens within the church and the surrounding community.


Single Ministry is structured around the teachings of the Bible; it encourages real, accountable relationships with others who are in the same life stage, heading in the same direction. This ministry supports friendships, they enjoy social time together and provide practical encouragement to better trust God in their journey.


Women Ministry women reaching out to other women and young girls in our church and community to empower them in their service for the Lord and help them develop competence and spirituality in the journey of a wholehearted pursuit of Jesus. 


Youth Ministryefforts extend beyond the church into the community to help each & every young person grow personally & spiritually, to train them how to apply Christianity to every area of their life. At the same time engaging in fun activities designed for youth to foster healthy relationships.

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